Member Opinion!
Dear Fellow WBCCI Member,
After this year’s Mid Winter International Board of Trustees (IBT) meeting, I am as distressed over the future of the club as much as I was before this meeting. The reason for this distress is that I feel that the actions of your IBT have not helped improve the financial status of the club, but actually hurt it through the motions passed this weekend. The club experienced a $44,201.81 financial loss as stated in the last year’s club P & L statement and that does not include the $100,000 plus loss resulting from the Madison, WI International Rally. This year’s budget was approved by the IBT in July of 2009 and included an $81,000 deficit.
At this year’s Mid Winter IBT meeting, they cut the fixed travel expenses of the IBT and Regional officers by about $9,800 or around 25%, still leaving the club far short of a balanced budget. (This reduction does not affect their travel expenses to and from IBT meetings and international pre-rally travel.) The IBT’s only other attempts to make up the budget deficit were to, one, award a budget increase of over $15,000 to market the club and they are gambling on an unknown return. And two, they then passed a motion to increase your dues by $10 a year. The IBT of the WBCCI feels that these actions are justified and will balance the budget!
Since this is a “Done Deal”, I am asking for your help in requesting your leadership to reduce their travel costs billed to the WBCCI. Until it is proven that the budget is balanced I am asking the IBT and all Region Officers to not travel at the club’s cost. If this group feels they must travel, that they not ask for reimbursement and instead search for economical ways to communicate such as web casts, forums, teleconferences or virtual meetings.
As a club, we must cut all costs and this includes the standard of travel accepted and expected by our officers. This must start with all of our officers tightening their belts and reducing this cost. Last year your club reimbursed the leadership for their travel over $131,000!
So with the above stated, I am asking our club’s leadership: Do not ask for travel reimbursement, travel only when necessary and always be mindful of the impact you have on the club’s P&L when you do travel on club business. I am also challenging you (IBT Leaders), that if you feel you cannot travel on your own dime or are unwilling to do so, that you resign your position, step aside and allow those who are willing to help the club recover take on those responsibilities.
WBCCI membership: Do you want to help? Are you willing to step in and not ask to be reimbursed to pursue your hobby? Are you willing to explore today’s readily available technology and make our club a vibrant and solvent entity for years to come? If so, step up and ask your leadership to cut costs and ask for no travel reimbursement!
Ed & Sandy Emerick
WBCCI # 4425