Note from Mona Heath

March 23, 2020

As we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impact on our members, the speed and platform(s) with which we communicate are of the utmost priority.  Beginning March 13, a series of email communications to our members, along with leadership conference calls, led to the unanimous decision of the Executive Committee (EC) to cancel the Loveland2020 International Rally.

Region Officers are working with their local clubs in support of the EC recommendation to cancel all planned events for at least the next 60 days, or longer as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Currently, seven (7) of our 12 region rallies have been cancelled or have not yet been scheduled, with the remaining five (5) scheduled between mid-July through late-October.

Jay Thompson, International Caravan Standing Committee Chair, is in close contact with Caravan Leaders and posted an update on Facebook last Friday.  Following is an excerpt of that post:  “We are not planning to cancel every national caravan at this time as some are scheduled many months away. We are monitoring the timing and possible effects of government recommendations and directives as well as a safe and common-sense appraisal of travel on the caravan.  “Will it be a safe and fun experience for everyone?”

On a related note, the Governor of the State of Ohio has issued a Stay At Home Order for all non-essential businesses effective 11:59am March 23 through April 6.  The Headquarters team will be in the office today developing a work at home plan and will be working remotely with some services limited or delayed.  Thank you in advance for respecting their workspace today, and patience with any unique challenges they may face while working remotely.

This level of disruption, and the absolute need for caution, is unsurpassed in recent memory; however, it is necessary.  I am absolutely confident that our leaders, at all levels, have the best interest of our members in mind. Furthermore, I am absolutely confident that our 2019-2020 International leadership team has been, and will continue to, put our members’ safety first. 

For ALL Club communications relative to COVID-19 and impact on Club activities, click here  

Wishing you all safe and healthy travels and look forward to seeing you down the road.

Mona Heath, International President
BRN #152